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WBCS Preliminary questions paper 2020 with answers key

What is the future of Engineering in India

What is the future of Engineering students in India?

This is a frequently asked question.One might ask what is the future of engineering students in India.India is a place where most of the fathers arrive at the decision of making their son an engineer when he was a sperm.The reason is that Indian parents fail to cope up with the fact that engineering is not the only field which earns you success, prestige and money. Number of colleges which offer quality practical experience in engineering is very low.

India has become a production machine of engineers. Engineering colleges have been springing up like wild mushrooms in our country past few years.
The number is quite alarming for those who are going for engineering. Almost 1.5million engineering graduates pass out every year.20–30% out of which run out the risk of not getting jobs.most of them who fail to grab an employment in their respective field end up joining call centers or several engineers end up working as sales executives so,there is no link between what they studied and what they do.this is the main point to be worried.

Moreover,only 10% of graduates gets campus selection. And what about those students who come from humble economic background and whose parents had to arrange for the study loans to give their wards a decent education?

Why people are running behind doing engineering?

The thinking working behind that is-
  • Engineering is the only future course which fetches job, other degrees are a waste(!)
  • Only in engineering campus placement is there, in other courses there will be no campus drives. Hence jobs are hard to find.
  • One should be either an engineer or a doctor to be successful in life, other courses are waste and not worthy.
  • some students thinks that Engineering is easier than other courses and full of fun.

So, parents and students both should remove all these myths from their mind, because these are reasons why there high unemployed students in India if you follow your passion there will always be a good job which you deserve.

The interest of the candidate and his/her choice of the branch should be the criteria for admission not their parent’s biased view on students life.

But as per my opinion everything is depends on you.i believe that for some students,Engineering is just not a profession, Engineering is love,dream.there is hope for everyone. The future totally lies in your hands, how you shape and nurture yourself. As far as the things which are not in your hand, you can always hope for the better. As an engineer I would like to mention a few things which are soon to come.

All things are getting automated. Yes ! Automation is speedily getting and eating up all the jobs of engineers. In this context the organization or the company will always looks what added values you have which a machine or a code snippet cannot do. Our focus should be on these values. Also try to know why and how some things are done instead of just understanding the method.

Everything is getting digital and online. Focus should also be on digitizing things, finally that’s what our end customers want.

As India is fast developing economy it will also draw major companies to set up their base in India. So not to worry, we will still have jobs.

SO always be positive,we are Engineers.


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