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WBCS Preliminary questions paper 2020 with answers key

Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy of Exam. Details & Study Material

The privacy policy is one type of rule that you have to follow before visiting a website. Our site is very sensitive to privacy issues on the Internet. In Privacy Policy of Exam. Details & Study Material telling about how we collect and protect one’s personal information. The information we post on our site has been collected from various official websites by human interface.

What We collect

We collect one’s information to understand their needs and to provide a better service. Here is a list that shows what we collect from our visitors-

·                     One’s personal information: Our site does not collect your personal information automatically. But when you fill up a form or contact us, then we store it for providing you a better service. You may also visit our site without giving any of this information.
·                       We collect such type of information like your present address, browser name, IP address. Whenever you visit our site, we automatically collect this information without your consent.
·                       We also store your e-mail address through our newsletter to inform you instantly our new post updates in our site. But we collect this data by taking your permission. For that, you have to fill up manually our newsletter form by giving your e-mail address.

Why we collect

Exam. Details & Study Material collect one’s information to understand their needs and to provide a better service. Here we list out the particular reasons-

·                     We check the duration of time that one spent on our site.
·                     We always want to touch with our visitors. So, its very usefulness to mind out our visitors experience.
·                     We collect the data by fill up our form or feedback us, to improve our site for providing a better service.
·                     We use the newsletter to collect your e-mail address to send you our updated post that uploaded on our website.

Web browser cookies

Our site uses cookies to allow web applications according to your need. It requires your consent before setting up. Its collect your preference and gather in its memory for future reference. You have to enable cookie by yourself when a push notification show in your screen. You can decline that anymore. But it may cause a little bit problem to fully use our site.

How we protect you

We do not share any kind of information of our visitors to other third parties. We ensure visitors that their personal data is secure. All the data we collect from you are stored in a secure position from where it's so much difficult to track it. We also don’t contract with any third parties to use our site cookies or visitors personal information. If you find any kind of misleading of our site, then you can directly contact us. We are so much responsible for protecting our visitors.

Links to other websites

Our site contains other website links for reference. So when you clicked on this links, you automatically leave our site. For that particular case, we are not responsible for the protection and the data provide by yourself on this sites. You should remember that we don’t have any control over this site. These sites are not governed by our sites privacy policy.


By using this site we will consider that you are fully agreeing with our sites privacy policy. We don’t take any responsibility if you visit our site without agreeing our privacy policy.

Change of privacy policy  have right to modify or change the privacy statement at any time. And this will be effective from the same time. For using our site, you have to frequently visit our privacy policy web page. You should aware of our modified privacy statement. If we change any term of privacy, then we maintain the updated date at the end of this page.

This page was last modified on 12.01,2018


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Exam. details & study materials