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WBCS Preliminary questions paper 2020 with answers key

Tips to crack any competitive exam easily:Best 5 tricks

Competitive exams are the first step to get any job or to get admission in any institute,lakhs of candidates are appearing for a limited number of seat.So competitive exams are not so easy.

So, preparations should begin in advance to crack any competitive exams, it is more important to study productively than putting the number of hours.

The first step of your preparation for any competitive examination is to understand the importance of the examination.
This article will help you to prepare for the Competitive exams.

1.Maintain a proper time table.

It is very important to maintain a time table,so make a time-table with both short-term and long-term goals that would help you in timely preparation for the exam. A time table makes you more disciplined.
  • Chalk out a plan to cover all topics in a stipulated period of time.
  • Make sure you stick to it as this will help to cover your syllabus in time.  
  • Concentrate on your basics and try to cover the entire syllabus.
  • Give more time to difficult subjects.
Making a time table is very easy,but maintain isn't easy.So always try to maintain tha time table.

2.Clear your concepts.

Focus on understanding the concepts throughout your preparation. Do not adopt rote learning technique. Understanding helps you to remember the concepts for a very long period of time. Moreover, with a clear understanding of the concepts, you can easily handle questions related to those concepts.
Always try to create your own process to remember formula,equations,and difficult terms,and memorized short notes and topic on your own way.

3.Practice is the main key.

Practice is the main key, focus on practicing question papers and other problems every day, this will enhance your accuracy. Mock test and old questions papers are available. Solve these question papers with the designated time. Also, lets you gauge your level of preparations. It enables you to identify your weak areas so that you would know where to channel your energy. on your general awareness.

The Indian and Global Environment section tests your General knowledge, keep yourself updated with current affairs related to national and international venues.Follow news paper regularly and always try to stay updated.

5.Be positive and stay confident.

Always try to be positive,and self confidence is the main tool to crack any exam.It is the most important thing to a candidate.Always believe in yourself and your preparation. Ensure that you study the same way throughout the year, to avoid last minute rush and stress. Spend 10-15 minutes before going off to sleep to quickly recap all that you learnt throughout the day.

Don't be nervous,keep your mind free,everything will be fine,All iz well.

Best of luck....


  1. This is very clear guide and gonna help many exam aspirants. This type of blogs helps individual to prepare for any kind of exam. Keep up the good work.


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