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WBCS Preliminary questions paper 2020 with answers key

Some important Current affairs

Some city with their alternative names:

  •  Pink City - Jaipur (Rajastan)
  •  Garden City - Bangalore (Karnataka)
  •  Diamond City - Surat (Gujarat)
  •  Egg city - Namakkal (Tamilnadu)
  •  Lake City - Udaipur (Rajastan)
  •  Sun City - Jodhpur (Rajastan)
  •  City of Palaces - Kolkata (West Bengal)
  •  Bangle City - Hyderabad (Andra Pradesh)
  •  Golden City - Jaisalmer(Rajastan)
  •  City of Dawn - Auroville (Pondichery)
  •  White City - Udaipur (Rajastan)
  •  City of Golden Temple - Amritsar (Punjab)
  •  Twin Cities - Hyderabad and Secundarabad(Andhra pradesh)
  •  Pearl City - Tuticorin (Tamil Nadu)
  •  Weavers city - Panipat (Haryana)
  •  Temple City - Bhuvaneswar (Orissa)
  •  Sandal Wood City - Mysore (Karnataka)
  •  City of Blood - Tezpur (Assam)
  •  Orange City - Nagpur (Maharashtra)
  •  City of seven Islands - Mumbai (Maharashtra)
  •  City of joy - Kolkata (west Bengal)

 Current affairs

1. Who has become the first Indian woman to scale Mount Everest for the fourth time?
- Anshu Jamsenpa

2. Which country is hosting the 2017 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?

3. Which Indian personality has been appointed WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Hepatitis in South-East Asia Region?
-Amitabh Bachchan

4. A joint Military training exercise ‘Maitree 2017’ was recently held in Himachal Pradesh.
Which of the following was a participant in this exercise? 

5. Who has been appointed Director General of Goods and Services Tax Intelligence?
- John Joseph.

6. Who has been appointed as the chairman of 15th Finance Commission?
-NK Singh

7. Who has will be the new Vice-Chairman of NITI Aayog?
- Rajiv Kumar

8. India’s first micro forest will be built in which state?
- Chattisgarh

9. What was the name of the Ball used in FIFA under 17 world cup recently held in India? 
- Krasava

10. Which metro will launch India’s first mobile ticketing system?
- Mumbai Metro

11. Which Indian city has been declared as a World Heritage City (WHC) by UNESCO?
- Ahmedabad

12. What is the India’s rank in the 2017 Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI)?
- 23rd

13. Who has won the 2017 women’s singles Wimbledon tennis tournament? 
- Garbine Muguruza

14. Which of the following has been adjudged as the Best Airline at 2017 World Airline Awards?
- Qatar Airways

15. Which country has recently unveiled world's first train that operates on a virtual trackusing sensor technology instead of metal rails?
- China

16. What was the theme of ‘International Yoga Day’ 2017, celebrated in June 21, 2017?
- ’Yoga for health'

17. Who among the following has replaced Mukul Rohatgi as the new Attorney General of India?
- KK Venugopal

18. India’s first partition museum will open in:
- Amritsar, Punjab

19. UR Rao, who passed away on July 24, 2017, was a renowned:
- Space Scientist

20. Which city will host 2028 Summer Olympics?
- Los Angeles

21. Where will be going to establish first National sports museum in India?
- New Delhi

22. Which country won ICC Women World Cup 2017 by defeating India in final match?
- England

23. 12th G20 Summit was held on 7th and 8th July, 2017 in:
- Hamburg, Germany

24. Dipak Misra sworn in as _______ Chief Justice of India.
- 45th

25. Which State Government has launched E-waste disposal in state schools?
- Kerala

26. Which among the following has been declared as India’s first Worvld Heritage City by UNESCO?
- Ahmedabad

27. Who is the first sportsperson to become the head of the Sports Ministry?
- Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore

28. Who among the following has won Wimbledon Championships 2017 in Men’s Singles category?
- Roger Federer

29. Which among the following metro service has announced the launch of India’s first Mobile Ticketing System ‘OnGo’?
- Mumbai Metro

30. National Pension System has raised age limit to how many years?
- 65 years

31. Who got the 2016 Saraswati Samman recently?
- Mahabaleshwar Sail

32. Who was chosen for Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development for the year 2017?
- Dr. Manmohan Singh

33. Who is the new CEO and Managing Director of Infosys?
- Salil S. Parekh

34. Which country has officially recognized Bitcoin and digital currencies as legal money?
- Japan

35. India has recently declared itself as a contagious disease free?
- Trachoma

36. Which country is hosting the 2017 SAARC Ministers of Law and Order (Interior/ Home Affairs) meeting?
- Sri Lanka

37. Which railway station has become the India’s first station to run by all women staff?
- Matunga railway station

38. Which of the following is India's best FMCG company in the food sector by the International Advertising Association (IAA)?
- Amul

39. This state launches the Sankalp Seva bus service to connect 6,000 villages of the state.
- Uttar Pradesh

40. The 2017 UN Climate Change Conference (COP23) was held in which country?
- Germany

41. Which city is hosting the Aadi Mahotsav - a fortnight long Tribal Festival of 2017?
- New Delhi

42. Which state government passed Prevention and Eradication of Inhuman Evil Practices and Black Magic Bill, 2017?
- Karnataka

43. Which web portal has been launched by the Union Government for monitoring universal household electrification?
- Saubhagya

44. President Ramnath Kovind has launched JOHAR scheme in which state to double income of rural poor?
- Jharkhand

45. Indias First Mega Coastal Economic Zone to Come up in ___________.
- Maharashtra

46. Who is appointed as Foreign Secretary to India?
- Vijay Keshav Gokhale

47. NITI Aayog AIM has launched which day on 15th Dec, 2017?
- Atal Thinkering Lab's Community Day

48. Who has been appointed as the chairman of National Commission for Schedule Tribes?
- Nand Kumar Sahai

49. Who won 2017 "Indira Gandhi Peace Award" ?
- Dr. Monmohan Singh

50. Who has been appointed as India’s alternate Governor on the Board of Governors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB)?
- Subhash Chandra Garg

51. The 14th Pravasi Bhartiya Divas held by which city
- Bengaluru


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