The Railway Recruitment Board of India has recently announced that the Board is likely to increase the number of vacancies for ALP and Technicians. The official notification published on the official website of the RRB said that the 26,502 vacancies of the ALP & Technicians are likely to be increased to about 60,000 vacancies. Earlier, in a notification released in February this year, the officials had said in the same regard that the Railway-wise vacancies are provisional and these may increase or decrease. But now, with the new announcement, it’s almost certain that the number of vacancies will go up. The updated vacancy table will be published after completion of first stage exam. The ALP and Technician first stage Computer-Based recruitment exam is scheduled to be held on August 9, 2018. The admit card for the same is expected to be released by August 5, 2018. The candidates appearing for the examination are advised to check the official website for latest notifica...
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